Sunday, April 18, 2010

city vs. country

i'm a little bit country. yes. i'm a little bit rock n' roll.

and there you have it. back in the city since easter festivities and i just love it. home is home and home is here, be it city or country.

humans often and mistakenly assume that dogs only love the country. only love the great outdoors. only love to be on the loose. free. but thats is all a matter of perspective. i could be one of those dogs in the country, under the great wide blue sky and starry night, forever tied to a 6 foot long chain. free? you decide. or i could be packless, running around trying to survive in this dog-eat-dog world. and the list of circumstances goes on...

it does not matter where a dog is. what matters is who that dog is with.

i have my pack. it runs 5 deep. tula, mojo, ollie, spike, moose and cookie. and my human posse runs even deeper. my main girl, though, my human, she takes me places. we do pretty much everything together.

i have the best of both worlds. when i am not in the country, i am in the city. i am an apartment dog and i love it. since returning, all my usual haunts are much the same.

park - check. pee mile - check. cat alley - check. poop row - check.

can you guess which collar i wear where? 


  1. Oh Layla! So bright you are! Us humans...not so much. After 36 human years, I still can't decide if I am a country or city person! So, you both!

  2. Good one Layla, did not know you were that clever, clever yes, but this clever, I had no idea. Your country pack is waiting for you, hurry back

  3. Layla, such a clever girl...You are a country girl when you sit at your post at the top of the hill under the shade of tall pines peering straight and down the country road not missing a beat;
    "Wait! Was that a fox?? A weasel?? Or just, maybe Sarah next door, she always wants to race."

  4. Layla, what a lucky girl to have the best of both worlds. and what a great philosophy to live by. If you can't eat it or play with it you just piss on it and walk away.

    Wish I could do that.
