Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter sans tula

there have been a lot of "firsts" since the era of tula.

this year, right now, it's the first easter. which means i was invited to church.

up the stairs. turn to look for my human. down the stairs. heel. stay at the door. feet hobble past. legs. 34. dark inside and out. echoes in the church. laughter. singing. light. color. everything a-blaze.

i am with my human. i am home.

tula, i am filling your paws.

xristos anesti as they say.



  1. Very sweet.........The midnight ceremony from her perspective; sit...stay at the doorway...looking up at us with Saint Demitrios in the background; Tula was missed and so was Spike.

  2. The sweetness of your soul gives me hope for the future. Im sorry I did not know Tula. I'm glad I met Spike and Layla.
